Saturday, September 24, 2011

Found these great 1950's picnic baskets.  I love taking a picnic basket places and this is such a fun way to travel.  I take mine to the park, the beach, on hikes and even to a friends house when asked to bring a covered dish....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Love Endures Wooden Cross

Found some scrap wood from a previous project that was almost a cross. A little transformation  and here is what  I came up with. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Urgent vs: The Important

Why is that the urgent takes up so much of our time that we never get to the important?  I wish my art gift was photography.  So I would always have a camera in my hand and would capture all the important moments.  My middle child just turned 16.  I had a big dinner party for him with 15 guests.  It was great! But I dont have ONE single picture!  It seems time is slipping by so fast I take a breath and its gone. 
When I became a single mom I was thrown back into the workplace.  I started off waitressing, moved into restaurant management and then back to waitressing.  I always believed that my true passion, art, would take over and supply my financial needs.  That was SIX years ago!  Where has the time gone?  How does one do it all?  How do we find time for the important amidst all the urgent?  I know I have to do something different or before I know it six more years will have escaped me.  Not sure where to begin....................